l'utente finale medio di Internet è consapevole e responsabile solo del pagamento di una piccola parte dei costi legati alle sue azioni.Leggi qui a riguardo |
the average Internet end user is aware and responsible for paying only a small fraction of the costs associated with his actions.Read more here |
This is a blog on video compressionIt's written - depending by my willing - often in Italian only, sometimes in English only (in my English), sometimes in both languages. |
Questo e' un blog sulla compressioneE' scritto come me la sento, spesso solo in italiano, a volte solo in inglese (nel mio inglese), a volte in entrambe le lingue. |
All the following streams are generated live by VLC instances in loop on the server and - if not differently specified - are not always available. |
Tutti i seguenti flussi sono generati in tempo reale dalle istanze VLC in loop sul server e - se non diversamente specificato - non sono sempre disponibili. |
reverse proxed (on port 80) |
![]() |
original stream |
http://www.iginomanfre.it/Yosemite_SD200 da aprire con / to opened with videolan VLC | pagina specifica |
http://www.iginomanfre.it/x70_hevc_1200 da aprire con / to opened with videolan VLC | pagina sull'hevc (2015) |
http://www.iginomanfre.it/x70_hevc_300 da aprire con / to opened with videolan VLC | pagina sull'hevc (2015) |
http://www.iginomanfre.it/Yosemite_SD100 da aprire con / to opened with videolan VLC | pagina specifica |
http://www.iginomanfre.it/HD_4000 da aprire con / to opened with videolan VLC | pagina specifica |
http://www.iginomanfre.it/CIF_200 da aprire con / to opened with videolan VLC (richiede il plug-in n-papi VLC non piu' supportato dai browser piu' usati) (requires VLC n-papi VLC plug-in no more supported by current browser) metafile http://www.iginomanfre.it/hls2/hls2.m3u8 Questo hls e' statico: pre-splittato e sempre disponibile | cif_284.html (richiede il plug-in n-papi VLC non piu' supportato dai browser piu' usati) (requires VLC n-papi VLC plug-in no more supported by current browser) hls2.html |
http://www.iginomanfre.it/rtp_int da aprire con videolan VLC pagina rtp_int.html (richiede il plug-in n-papi VLC non piu' supportato dai browser piu' usati) (requires VLC n-papi VLC plug-in no more supported by current browser) metafile http://iginomanfre.it/hls5/hls5.m3u8 |
stream rtp (interno) su 64090 <-- rtp:@64090 pagina rtp_int.html (richiede il plug-in n-papi VLC non piu' supportato dai browser piu' usati) (requires VLC n-papi VLC plug-in no more supported by current browser) pagina hls5.html |
(se attivato / if activated) http://www.iginomanfre.it/rtp_ext da aprire con videolan VLC pagina rtp_ext.html (richiede il plug-in n-papi VLC non piu' supportato dai browser piu' usati) (require VLC n-papi VLC plug-in no more supported by current browser) or pagina hls6.html |
(se attivato / if activated) attesa ricezione / waiting to receive rtp stream su/on port xxxxx <-- rtp:@xxxxx pagina hls6.html metafile http://iginomanfre.it/hls6/hls6.m3u8 |
(se attivato / if activated) http://www.iginomanfre.it//hls7/hls7.m3u8 pagina hls7.html |
(se attivato / if activated) attesa ricezione / waiting to receive rtp stream su/on port yyyyy metafile http://iginomanfre.it/hls7/hls7.m3u8 <-- rtp:@yyyyy |
To know who is writing, click over the language you like |
I've collect the experiences on UHD on the page
Ho raccolto le esperienze sull'UHD nella pagina
L'MPEG5 (ISO 23094) diviso in due parti introduce due filoni: individuazione degli agenti ostativi alla diffusione di algoritmi di compressione standard (quindi - in pratica - ricerca della possibilita' di trovare algoritmi senza royalty come x264 e x265) e la Compressione Video di Base a Bassa Complessita (Low Complexity Essential Video Coding, LCEVC). A seguito dell'incontro sulle nuove tecnologie tenuto on line dalla sezione Italiana del'SMPTE (interamente disponibile su Youtube, la conferenza vera e propria comincia dopo circa 5 minuti), mi viene voglia di dire la mia .
Se vuoi leggere un po' della mia storia
Oggi, dopo l'orgia di potenza di calcolo che vede l'HEVC (h265, bada bene, sempre standard definition) essere 10000 volte piu' oneroso in termini computazionali rispetto all'MPEG2 o - peggio - il VVC (o il suo partner non standard AV1) essere cosi' complesso rispetto all'MPEG2 da porsi il problema con che macchina lo facciamo, oggi con LCEVC (Low Complexity Essential Video Coding, MPEG5 parte2) ci si sta preoccupando della utilizzabilita' di algoritmi di compressione video sempre piu' complessi.
Ci si e' resi conto che se si comprime una versione scalata del video (in genere 1/4 ma anche 1/16
in HD), lo si decomprime e riaumenta (x4 o x16) per confrontarlo con il video originale ricavandone
le differenze e aggiungendo queste differenze come un elementary stream di metadati al multiplex complessivo,
il processo, malgrado l'apparente arzicogolosita', diviene estremamente meno oneroso e - soprattutto -
lo disaccoppia dalla complicatezza del processo di compressione base (qualsiasi esso sia h264, h265, av1
o vvc).
Avevo scritto rende indipendente, che sarebbe chiaramente un bel desiderio.
Se la riduzione viene effettuata in una sola direzione si parla di D1, se in entrambe di D2.
Non voglio farla troppo semplice, ma si tratta di utilizzare degli upconverter ad alta efficienza.
La tecnologia al riguardo ha fatto i salti mortali, basti vedere come un segnale PAL viene portato a
riempire uno schermo UHD e tale ingrandimento regge anche agli esami piu' complessi.
Per quanto ne so io
l'interpolazione di Lanczos e' tra le migliori.
Per continuare la lettura sull'argomento vedi approssimazione di LCEVC.
Quello che si puo' dire e' che l'idea e' furba...
Questo e' quanto si vede nella pagina approssimazione di LCEVC dimezzando dapprima la dimensione verticale del video, poi quella orizzontale ed infine entrambe
e nel contempo il Pixel Aspect Ratio si riesce ad ottenere un risultato accettabile in termini di compressibilita'.
Come ho detto sopra lo scopo di questo trucco e' riuscire a comprimere anziche' non riuscirci, quindi la utilizzazione di questi trucchi e' una necessita'.
Io non ci provo neppure ad affrontare le problematiche vere dell'LCEVC che hanno a che fare con il VVC dove il carico computazionale e' estremamente oneroso.
Da parte mia ho riconsiderato l'opportunita' di utilizzare formati anamorfici 2:1 ed oltre per
diminuire le bande in gioco.
Se dai una occhiata in quanto contenuto in autostrada.html
comprendi che abbassando il bitrate senza agire su altri parametri non si riesce a scendere piu' in basso
di una certa soglia.
In quella pagina, usando il progressive download (la versione originale utilizzava streaming in tempo reale
cge non puo essere piu' usato) diversi bitrate e diverse dimensioni dello stesso contenuto fino
ad arrivare (li') a un 1080p anamorfico 1440x1080 con Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR) di 64:45
(circa 1.5).
Qui sotto lo stesso materiale sorgente e codificato a 371 Kbps complessivi
(300 per il video e 64 per l'audio) con un PAR di 3:1.
Un risparmio simile si otteneva gia' una volta con l'interlacciamento
che - storicamente - e' piu' legato alla potenza di calcolo.
Allora si mirava a risparmiare sul numero di valvole nei ricevitori (quindi sul costo
finale del ricevitore), piu' recentemente con l'asimmetria degli algoritmi
(nell'ordine del 10:1 tra codifica e decodifica) si e'
puntato a rendere i contenuti fruibili, ora di ritorno a piu' miti consigli...
autostrada_1080p25_PAR3a1_300Kbps.mp4 |
![]() questo e' thirdHD (640x1080p25) con Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR) 3:1, con video codificato a 300 Kbps (picco a 880 Kbps), audio a 64 Kbps ed un bitrate complessivo medio di 371 Kbps (tutto compreso, picco a 1 Mbps circa)) |
E se ci vogliamo fare del male (la definizione chiaramente non potra' essere esaltante), questo e' cio' che si riesce a spingere ancora di piu' fino a 222 Kbps in tutto: 150 di video e 64 di audio.
autostrada_1080p25_h264_PAR3a1_150Kbps.mp4 |
![]() questo e' thirdHD (640x1080p25) con Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR) 3:1, con video codificato a 150 Kbps (picco a 180 Kbps), audio a 64 Kbps ed un bitrate complessivo medio di 270 Kbps (tutto compreso) |
Eh si, perche' con questa pioggia di Gigabit che ci dovrebbero
arrivare a casa con nuovi futuribili cablaggi, c'e' il rischi che si dimentichi che l'unicast e'
tutt'altro che ecologico (100000 utenti che vedono un video di grido rappresentano
100000 flussi contemporanei - identici - con conseguente consumo energetico).
questo articolo di quasi 10 anni fa, quando questi discorsi non andavano ancora di moda...
(per chi la preferisce, c'e' una
traduzione semi-automatica con mia revisione).
Si, i network broker stanno utilizzando dei sistemi intelligenti di distribuzione
dei contenuti, basati su un multicast interno alla propria rete privata fino alla
periferia della rete per poi - necessariamente - distribuire in unicast.
Ma alla fine, seppure fosse per solo l'ultimo miglio, 100000 utenti comportano la
generazione di 100000 flussi dati uguali.
Lo stesso concetto si puo' estendere all'UHD che affermo - qui sotto - di aver
esplorato... 10 Mbps per utente, per riempire uno schermo 4k con un pitch di 20 decimi
di millimetro.
(manco a dirlo anche questo e' thirdHD (640x1080p25) con Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR) 3:1, con video codificato a 200 Kbps (picco a 680 Kbps), audio a 64 Kbps ed un bitrate complessivo medio di 270 Kbps (tutto compreso). |
![]() analisi del bitrate di questo video, che ricordo, e' a tutti gli effetti un HD La Storia Delle Cose (1080p_25fps_H264_thirdHD_PAR=3.1-64kbit_mp3).mp4 In progressive download o hls la inevitabile presenza di picchi difficilmente porta a problemi di presentazione perche' quanto e' riprodotto e' decodificato a partire da un frammento scaricato in locale. |
I've collect the experiences on UHD on the page
Ho raccolto le esperienze sull'UHD nella pagina
rtp_int realtime simulation of audio-video rtp
connection via internet at very low cost and retransmission in realtime of its http version. I did something alike for radio. Take a look here If you want to open this http stream embedded in page you must a legacy version of the common browsers (not easy to manage), or use Apple Safari 5.1.7 for windows here downloadable In order to try to fix this problem from this server is generated in realtime its hls (http live streaming) version accessed by the m3u8 metafile (http://iginomanfre.it/hls5/hls5.m3u8) but even here the pc browsers do not play hls m3u8 metafiles while their mobile version do. More informations here. |
rtp_int Simulazione in tempo reale di un collegamento rtp
audio-video attraverso internet realizzabile a costo irrisorio con sua trasmissione
simultanea in tempo reale in http. Ho fatto qualcosa di simile per la radio. Dai una occhiata qui Se vuoi vedere che effetto fa aprire questo video http embeddato nella pagina devi usare una precedente versione dei browser di uso comune (cosa non facile da gestire), oppure usare Apple Safari 5.1.7 for windows scaricabile da qui Per cercare di risolvere questo problema da questo server e' generato in tempo reale la versione hls (http live streaming) da accedersi attraverso il metafile m3u8 (http://iginomanfre.it/hls5/hls5.m3u8) ma anche qui i browser per pc non riproducono i metafile m3u8 mentre le loro versioni per smartphone lo fanno. Piu' informazioni qui.Ho spostato i video in UHD ad una apposita pagina perche' riprodurre un video UHD su un PC e' poco piu' di una curiosita', ma una curiosita' estremamente onerosa in termini computazionali che puo' sovraccaricare il sistema fino a poterlo bloccare. |
400p video compressed in h264 at 300 Kbps |
360p version of the left one compressed in h265 (aka hevc) at 200 Kbps |
![]() hls metafile with hevc payload 720x400p (Standard Definition, the image is scaled to 640x360) This metafile and the related chops are permanent This is a plain link that the browser, being unable to play m3u8 playlists, requires what it must do: save or open with an external application. If you associate to m3u8 association an external player such as VLC a click over the image will open an overlay window that will start to reproduce the video. ![]() You can make this action permanent and after modify it from firefox. preferences The hls slicing in small portion will reduce the waiting to few seconds. ![]() The hls metafile with h264 payloads can be played only on mobile browsers |
![]() ![]()
Transport stream with hevc payload 640x360p (about 2/3 of a Standard Definition video) |
List of all the streams provided by this serverlist updated at january 2021 -
mp4 files in /video -
mp4 files in /media |
Elenco di tutti gli stream erogati da questo serverlista aggiornata al gennaio 2021 -
file mp4 in /video -
file mp4 in /media |
The difference with the former is the payload nature: these 41 transport streams chops are h265 (aka hevc) that browsers cannot play. |
La differenza con le precedente e' la natura del payload: questi 41 chops di transport stream
contengono elementary stream h265 (noto anche come hevc) che i browaser non riproducono. |
Clicking over the image it is downloaded the metafile hlsB*.m3u8 with a progressive index
(hlsB-1.m3u8, or hlsB-2.m3u8 as in this case) and this file is passed - as a playlist - to videolan
VLC (because on my pc as it is the default opener of this extension). |
Cliccando sulla immagine e' scaricato il metafile hlsB*.m3u8 (l'asterisco indica un indice
progressive (hlsB-1.m3u8, o hlsB-2.m3u8 come in questo caso) ed il file e' passato - come una playlist -
a videolan VLC (perche' sul mio pc perche' e' l'applicazione di default associata a tale estensione). |
The next h266 will be (by name) the future video compression standard about which you can read more on the web.
The latest papers (as of writing the draft 10 elaborated on september 4, 2020) and much more can be found on
fraunhofer JVET web page
The compression should offer 30-50% better compression at the price of the usual 10 time more complex compression than hevc (h265) while only a double decompression complexity should occur.
All in the spirit of Moore law, with its current about 30 billions transistor per chip.
These videos have been made by projectyose.com and are tributed to Colin Dolehanty and friends.
yosemite_HD_h264_404p_300.mp4 (by browser with <video> tag)
Using VLC it is possible to view its twin Yosemite II (already used many times above), streamed in realtime http (not dash or hls, true realtime streaming) compressed in hevc stream (wrapped ISO mp4) http://iginomanfre.it/Yosemite_SD200 720x404 encoded at a bitrate between 80 and 500 kbps (or if you want to reach the source stream not proxed by Apache).
As told many times hevc payload wrapped mp4 streams cannot be played by the browsers (they can reproduce only h264 and vp8 video payloads).
And in this case you cannot use any trick nor associate a task to the stream download because - being looped - this is a real infinite file: the download starts but never ends....
But... but maybe... embedding the streaming instructions in the mp4 header it could work...
I will try...
sliding colors
flashing colors
sliding (fastly) colors
All videosize are 640x360 pixel but can stretched as required.
for more informations see here
for problem of stability of VLC only two hls stream are always available are hls2 and hls8z
interesting panorama of streaming methods I use on this server
applied to h265 and h264 compressed streams.
Nowadays is basically only a tricky remote copy of a file.
I wrote the article True unicast streaming has lost his appeal about.
Putting away any negative approach, today I say that Yes, it is possible, with any browser, but natively only in h264 (or VP8) and not in HSL/DASH: only in plain streaming, something alike the old progressive download.
Only h264 (or VP8) video can be embedded in html page, and it is reproduced from a copy in the terminal cache.
Not all the terminals could be able to download it seamless, because not all the terminals could have enough cache for this purpose.
On the contrary almost all terminals have enough computational power to decode h264 (and generally speaking much much more).
The video is locally downloaded as it is (thanks to the TCP/IP) and reproduced through the commands.
For the peace of the sense of rights people this content will be deleted and will be hardly reacheable from outside.
This is not correct from my point of view.
You can feel this looking the timeline, which (depending on the available bandwidth) become gray since the beginning of play.
On the contrary, if the video would be downloaded while it plays, the bandwidth would be the following:
payload bitrate of the video embedded in this page.
It has no sense in progressive download, because all the available bandwidth may be used to copy the slices or the entire file.
To be html5 compliant the browsers must be able to play mp4 or webm wrappers with h264 or vp8 video and aac, mp3 or ogg audio payloads.
It is not a problem of complexity: no-one care how much power the compression drain because all is done in cloud by powerful (but not free) servers. h265 is about ten times more heavy than h264: the same video my quite old core2duo 32bit employ 2 minutes to compress a video in h264, require more than 20 to be compressed in h265.
The result is really much better. You can test the differences comparing the h264 one with what can open directly with VLC as
To see something more (such as embedded h265) you need of a plug-in that's all but free because the VLC plug-in is no more supported by the most diffused browser.
The next image shows how the page yosemite.html can be see with an old version of the most diffused browsers (). It contains embedded h265 video in true real time streaming, but the latest versions (Firefox after 51.0b9) do not support anymore VLC plug-ins
above the section of yosemite.html with an old version of most diffused browser.
Below the most diffused browsers (such as what you're using now such as chrome, firefox, internet explorer, opera)
Original live http streaming with VLC |
Segmented stream in HLS generated with VLC (http://iginomanfre.it/hsl8w/hls8w.m3u8 is always available, |
The following paragraph shows the playout section of the realtime streaming cell (the leftmost), i.e. no sliced at all is produced but the stream is generated by VLC as sequence of video and audio packets.
The above syntax with the usage of vlc plug-in is no more supported by current browsers, so to see a video instead of a barred cone you can use VLC recall http://www.iginomanfre.it/hls8w/hls8w.m3u8, or safari 5 for windows (latest 5.1.7 version available did it).
No chance to see the or its source http://www.iginomanfre.it/Yosemite_SD100
As told above the file http://www.iginomanfre.it/hls8/hls8.m3u8 (and the related chops) are only available in request,
while the file http://www.iginomanfre.it/hls8w/hls8w.m3u8 (and the related chops) is offline splitted and always available
The m3u8 playlist can be played with VLC using open network stream (and the result):
(now replaced by hls8w)
To split permanently the file in chops I've used the following VLC call
It is hard to be done by hand: be careful to what you write, the <br> has been added to highlight the spaces
This is the list of the hls file generated with vlc
The slices generated are pointed by the m3u8 playlist file
Due to a VLC bug (something alike a memory management) when you use VLC command-line interface at any loop is drained a little bit
of memory, and this my bring the server to instability. This is particularly true in splitting, so I avoid to use the realtime splitting and production of .m3u8 files (even because only VLC can read it)
JVET stays for Joint Video Exploration Team, we must become familiar with this acronym as we did with hevc or simpler h265 few years ago.
JVET, is the next chapter the ITU-T SG 16 WP 3 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 team is planning to squeeze video.
These webpages from ITU website and
from Fraunhofer are maybe more detailed.
The meetings of VCEG (Video Coding Expert Group) started in october 2015, aside the Geneva Lake, when most of us just hear something of hevc.
Now, as usual, there is reference a software for the JVET group, called JEM (Joint Exploration Model) which probably let us see the stars....
The page all meetings of the JVET document management system hold by University of Sud Paris lists the documents divided by the meetings related to JVET (the rest of the site - as the draft standard - seems quite in progress): but going back of about 30 years, how many would spent a cent for mpeg?
As it is written in a paper of July 2017 but diffused in the Macau meeting :
For many applications, compression efficiency is the most important property of a future video coding standard.
A substantial improvement in compression efficiency compared to HEVC Main Profile is required for the target application(s); at no point of the entire bit rate range shall it be worse than existing standard(s).
30% bitrate reduction for the same perceptual quality is sufficient for some important use-cases and may justify a future video coding standard.
Other use-cases may require higher bit-rate reductions such as 50%.
We all must stay Tuned!
About 20 years ago, video on the web was all but diffused as today: Youtube did not exist, but more important, to stream something it was required to produce at least three files compressed in three proprietary similar but mutually uncompatible compression schemes (quicktime, windows media and real video).
In these years we passed through flash, mpeg4, dynamic streaming, h264, DASH and last h265. Recently I've worked on the catalogue of TIM vision to address the contents to the many profiles to be compressed in h265 not exactly in cloud (it could be named how we can get all the inconveniences of cloud, as you can imagine, it's a long story, not to be dealt now).
h265 confirms an asthonishing compression scheme. It is possible to compress in HD at 1 Mbps. Compression artifacts almost disappears, but after the licensing scheme related problems (see below what I wrote about one year ago), there is a main question: the match between DASH and HEVC does not convince me a lot. In HEVC disappears the I frames but in order to break the file in chops for DASH needs, we must introduce artificial (not video related) break points (say every 5 seconds) to be able to switch in sync for bandwidth adaptation.
The DASH playlist file (officially .mpd) may contains 10 references to many audio and video resolutions. It means that you may pass from a 45 GB of source MXF file to 10 GB hevc file set. The providers of compression engines and storage are happy because they sell their services or systems on the pound, but I'm asking why do not apply chromatic and spatial resolution scalability?
To understand what is hevc scalability extension, read this article SHVC, the Scalable Extensions of HEVC,
and Its Applications from ZTE corp (Shenzen, PRC) website.
Practically with scalable extensions instead of many versions of the same content encoded at different bitrate and size, are produced one basic level and some enhancements that adds informations. These enhancements may be transmitted though a DASH approach.
Since you're in, read also this article about multilayering in HEVC, from the same source.
The above picture (from Multi-Layer Extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard, same source of the former) sketches an example SHVC bitstream of spatial scalability with two layers, one base (BL) of lower resolution, and one (here, only one) enhancement layer (EL), a delta toward a higher resolution. You must consider that since in HEVC disappears the Group of Picture (GoP) concept as it was until h264 (so IBP frames do not exist anymore), any tile and/or slice in which the images sequence is decomposed has its own history and evolution. The sense is that: instead of switching between different resolution and bitrates files, the receiver get a base layer and many deltas.
It may be extremely interesting to read (and download) the HEVC licensing scheme from the HEVC advance, consider this website and take a look to the frequently updated licence section.
At the moment I do not know about real broadcasting test of HEVC, despite the marketing efforts. My biggest concern is related to the potential bandwidth of a transport stream broadcasted by air, cable or satellite.
The quality vs bitrate of hevc is really asthonishing, but its lack of GoP do not marry with conventional wave transmitting way such as transport stream or the DASH which segmentation is at the moment GoP prone (I mean: breaking in segment before an I-frame works better).
The test I'm conducting on (360p24 and 720p24 show a high sensitivity to the bandwidth characteristics: if your connection is really broadband you'll never experience any problem... otherwise...
In february 2015 the availability of open source HEVC codec (High Efficiency Video Compression, known also as h265) means it is ready to be used by all us.
To read/download the standard reach the ITU website and select the latest available version (as of writing, on may 23rd, the latest release of april 2015 was still not available). All the ITU standards are downloadable for free in pdf format. It is extremely valuable that standards are made public at no cost. For media industries the most known are h262 (mpeg2) and h264 (avc). Please consider how all the international bodies that sell the standards damage the interoperability and the progress of technology, forbidding an easy access the reference documents to the interested audience.
The more than 500 pages of the h265 standard may be too complex at first sight.
For basic informations you may read these Wikipedia articles about the h265 standard or its tiers and levels (the profiles and levels of former MPEG standards).
It is terrible, but after any technological risks HEVC might suffer, it seems that a number of lawyers are trying to assault this new train of technology before of its roll out
HEVC Advance produced in april last year a pricelist (officially Patent Pool pricing) updated in december in reaction of which initiative of april and december 2015 has been founded the Alliance for open media (a joint initiative of Amazon, Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla and Netflix) to create a new, royalty-free, open-source video compression format.
Last arrives the initiatives of MPEG LA (that literally killed MPEG4 in 2001) that later than other aggressive colleagues, define a specific new initiative).
What do they want to do? A proprietary open standard like VPn ?
Doesn't MPEG story teach anything to this people
At the moment I'm still trying to understand how HEVC is compatible with dynamic streaming (excluding a simpler profile enabling something like a GOP aligned segmentation) which would vanify a lot of compression gains. Even the naive way of streaming (what I'm using above) suffer of bandwidth fluctuation, but the quality gains from the algorithm.
Now these Lawyers-standards-killers (which performance we were already able to understand in 2001) could now kill even HEVC.
I hope not.
I remember in 1989 when the first MPEG1 standard papers comes out. A plenty of time passed by, but we must not forget it has been the first brick (even a stone: think to mp3 success!) that affected the technology of media as never before.
I was in. Maybe you could be interested to read A lot of passes have been done...
And today, being HEVC an hot subject, I've not been able to refrain me from writing down something:
embedded 360p24 HEVC embedded html page (february 2015)
It requires videolan VLC player version 2.2.0 (or greater) to be decoded. VLC is available in LGPL from videolan website.
Video embedding is not performed on smartphones for which browsers plug-ins have not been released (and probably will never done).
Smartphones - after installing VLC for android of iOS - may access to the stream http://www.iginomanfre.it/x70_hevc_300
embedded 720p24 HEVC embedded html page (february 2015)
This reproduction requires an hardware base with at least powerful as a Core2duo or a quadricore ARM on http://www.iginomanfre.it/x70_hevc_1200
Before (CPU load at 15%) and after starting the 1.2 Mbps 720p24 stream reproduction on my core2duo laptop
I wrote this post three months later the former ones in which I published two embedded HEVC videos.
HEVC quality is asthonishing (take a look to my 300 kbps SD video), and any enhancement is welcome.
Yes, because the entropy reduction of the HEVC is so high that any small impulsive bottleneck in ip distribution pipe may destroy a plenty of unreplaceable information, affecting a many coding units in their slices and/or tiles grouping.
In terms of viewing it means a gray/green stripes across the screen, and the probability of this increases at the size and the framerate increasing.
My samples are basic: a small 360p30 and a bigger 720p30 , but HEVC will reach 8k at high refresh rate (up to 300 Hz, because - in order to avoid sliding - increasing the size requires a faster frame speed).
This can be recovered copying the segments to the clients (as it happens in ordinary HLS streaming or DASH) but it makes mandatory the usage of FEC (Forward Error Correction) in unidirectional streaming such as plain UDP or satellite broadcasting.
This FEC can vanishes a lot of compression savings and require a delay.
So, the delay up to a couple of seconds between DTT and HLS delivery will be required still in the future.
In broadcasting HEVC has been long awaited as the solution for bandwidth crowding, to deliver more HD channels with the SD bandwidth.
But the above mentioned more complexity imply the replacement/introduction of the decoder because the former one do not perform HEVC decoding in realtime or at all.
This could not be a problem in proprietary or brand new delivery platform (such as pay-tv) but at a cost for the broadcaster or for the consumer.
And - we know - in these times of crysis, savings more than long RoI (Return of Investment) expenses are welcome...
Despite Mr. Draghi is printing money almost free, there is not a plenty of money to invest...
In free to air delivery, satellite or DTT, HEVC will not be adopted easily because it could affect the share: the greater part of the receiver are still limited to SD MPEG2 decoding.
So, who will pay? I would not be negative, so I refrain to continue....
In any case, as the story should teach us, nothing else than a standard can find a wide market success: see the rise and fall of all non-standard (proprietary) compression schemes, even last Microsoft VCx or Google VPx.
As usual a plenty of studies has been done and will be carried out (e.g. this comparison between HEVC, VP9 and AVC, but all the honest and independent professional operators will choose nothing, absolutely nothing else than a standard.
Listening the Telco's advertisments our homes should be surrounded by fiberoptics and multimegabit-per-second last miles.
This is partially true, at this can be tested through these pages.
The way in which this server transmits the stream is really live, without any possibility of local cashing, thus enhancing the drawbacks of any delivery inconvenience.
As known, the reduction of the information entropy to squeeze the bitrate, makes the stream highly sensible to the unavailability even of small but significant portions of information.
This may affect the quality of experience.
It can be felt comparing the reception of the same stream at different bitrate and size, at 3-400 Kbps and
1500 Kbps, and -- as recalled above -- the bitrate is tightly required.
In h265 to reach level of compression higher than h264, the concept of Group of Picture (GoP) disappears, replaced by the Coding Unit (see below).
This extension of the single Coding Unit make the stream extremely sensible to any small lack. In this case, if the available bandwidth is lower than 1.8 Mbps there is the risk to get images like these below
These images from a Vodafone ADSL (not fiber backed) at my home. of 1.5 Mbps stream.
To avoid this side effect you need to add or enforce the Forward Error Correction (FEC) to the Transport Stream as done in broadcast transmissions (such as DVB), thus partly vanishing the further compression obtained.
Another strategy is that of distributing the spikes of bandwidth excess requirements on the entire stream. But increase the latency and make this approach not suitable for live events.
The advantage of transferring slices of the file to the client, that avoid such kind of problems in h264, in h265 becomes more dangerous: the potential lack of reference frame for a longer time than h264 makes more critical the splitting of the movie as done in DASH or HLS delivery.
H265 means progressive HD at less than 3 Mbps. It introduces a lot of news.
It supersede the concept of GoP and macroblock dividing the frame in slices and/or tiles (rectangular) with Coding Tree Unit (CTU) divided in Coding Units (CU) after the motion estimation.
The Coding Unit (now up to 64 pixel) which is the replacement of macroblock but in h265 any CU has its own evolution and story, while until h264 it used to work at frame level.
CTUs are grouped in Slices (any number of CTUs) and/or Tiles (rectangular) depending on their temporal and spatial evolution.
To understand something about how h265 works you can get something more readable from Vcodex articles An introduction to High Efficiency Video Coding or its full version (that require a login). Finally you can download the officila ITU/IEC 23008-2 standard in pdf free from ITU (quite tricky but complete).
If you're going to evaluate the hevc quality, you must remember that it is much more complex to decode than h264.
Hevc is only progressive (but we were already accustomed to deal with progressive videos on the web): the problem is related to the decompression algorithm that is about thrice complex than h264.
This is the load of the decompression of 720p stretched to full screen on my laptop: about the 80%.
My dual core laptop, quietly able to decode progressive HD in h264, exhibit its inadequacy to decode 720p hevc. If the browser is not the only window open, the entire computational power can be easily drained.
Click here if the reproduction is jerky (processor power or network conditions.
The stream embedded below is compressed in HEVC (High Efficiency Video Compression), known also as h265.
In order to be more decodable by the greater part of computers, it is only 640x360 pixel (one quarter of the original size).
The video is encoded at 300 Kbps plus 192Kbps of mp3 stereo audio all wrapped in a DVB transport stream
Click here to see the original 720p. Click here to know something more about the unicast streaming I'm using.
![]() Beware, on mobile phones |
To be viewed is required the VLC 2.2.0 active-x browser plug-in, freely downloadable from www.videolan.org.
By default the active-x plug-in is installed. but beware: the former release (2.1.5) did not support h265, so after the upgrade is better to reboot the browser.
It has been encoded using VLC 2.2.0 that apply x265 APIs from the FFmpeg initiative.
I got this video produced by Sony and shooted with a PXW-X70 camera.
H265 means progressive HD at less than 3 Mbps. It introduces a lot of news.
It supersede the concepts of GoP and macroblocks dividing the frame in slices and/or tiles (rectangular) with Coding Tree Unit (CTU) divided in Coding Units (CU) after the motion estimation, each one with its own history and evolution.
The Coding Unit (now up to 64 pixel) which is the replacement of macroblock but in h265 any CU has its own evolution and story, while until h264 it used to work at frame level.
CTUs are grouped in Slices (any number of CTUs) and/or Tiles (rectangular) depending on their temporal and spatial evolution.
To read something about how h265 works you you can download from Vcodex website the article An introduction to High Efficiency Video Coding or its full version (this download requires the registration). Finally you can download the official ITU/IEC 23008-2 standard in pdf free from ITU (quite tricky but complete).
If you're going to evaluate the hevc quality, you must remember that it is much more complex to decode than h264.
Hevc is only progressive (but we were already accustomed to deal with progressive videos on the web):
the problem is related to the decompression algorithm that is about thrice complex than h264.
The performance of my laptop deconding the stream embedded in this page are quite acceptable (45%).
This page has been set up because my dual core x86 laptop (as all its class x86 processor), quietly able to decode progressive HD in h264, exhibit its inadequacy to decode 720p hevc.
If the browser must share the power with olter tasks, the entire computational power can be easily be unsufficient.
The decompression of hevc can easily be out of the capability of former generation processors: for this reason this page include a smaller version of the video (640px360).
Nevertheless, if you enlarge full screen the received video (probably at least doubling its size) you can feel the quality of this compression scheme
But also the constance of network features can be unsufficient: a greater compression means an higher reduction of the redundance so a heavily squeezed stream could not be suitable for noisy connection excluding the usage of a wrapper with an efficient error correcting code (that vanishes the compression savings).
In this case it to save computational power is useless to reduce the video presentation windows size, because before zooming out, any frame must be correctly decompressed.
In hevc any small part of the image has its own story: any slice (group of macroblocs, which in hevc are no more square) has its story and evolution. The GoP almost disappears.
It means that if the decoding cannot carried out within the presentation timestamp, very often the damages strikes much longer than h264.
As expected the compression is extremely computing intensive: on my core2due 2 GHz the compression of its 8 minutes takes about 3 hours.
The wrapper is DVB transport stream, but because in h265 the concept of GoP is quite far, in case of lost of information gray portions of image strike the video for few seconds.
The source stream can be recalled directly as proxed by apache as http://iginomanfre.it/x70_hevc_300.
General |
ID : | 19980 (0x4E0C) | ||
Complete name : | F:\video\420 to 422\x70_hevc_640p_300.ts | ||
Format : | MPEG-TS | ||
File size : | 34.1 MiB | ||
Duration : | 8mn 23s | ||
Overall bit rate mode : | Variable | ||
Overall bit rate : | 567 Kbps |
Video |
ID : | 69 (0x45) | ||
Menu ID : | 1 (0x1) | ||
Format : | HEVC | ||
Format/Info : | High Efficiency Video Coding | ||
Format profile : | Main@L2.1 | ||
Codec ID : | 36 | ||
Duration : | 8mn 23s | ||
Bit rate : | 345 Kbps | ||
Width : | 640 pixels | ||
Height : | 360 pixels | ||
Display aspect ratio : | 16:9 | ||
Frame rate : | 23.976 fps | ||
Color space : | YUV | ||
Chroma subsampling : | 4:2:0 | ||
Bit depth : | 8 bits | ||
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : | 0.063 | ||
Stream size : | 20.7 MiB (61%) | ||
Writing library : | x265 1.3:[Windows][GCC 4.9.1][32 bit] | ||
Encoding settings : | no-wpp / ctu=16 / tu-intra-depth=1 / tu-inter-depth=1 / me=1 / subme=2 / merange=57 / no-rect / no-amp / max-merge=2 / no-early-skip / no-fast-cbf / rdpenalty=0 / no-tskip / no-tskip-fast / strong-intra-smoothing / no-lossless / no-cu-lossless / no-constrained-intra / no-fast-intra / open-gop / interlace=0 / keyint=250 / min-keyint=23 / scenecut=40 / rc-lookahead=20 / bframes=4 / bframe-bias=0 / b-adapt=2 / ref=3 / weightp / no-weightb / aq-mode=2 / aq-strength=1.00 / cbqpoffs=0 / crqpoffs=0 / rd=3 / psy-rd=0.00 / psy-rdoq=0.00 / signhide / lft / sao / sao-lcu-bounds=0 / sao-lcu-opt=1 / b-pyramid / cutree / rc=abr / bitrate=300 / ratetol=1.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=51 / qpstep=4 / ipratio=1.40 / pbratio=1.30 |
Audio |
ID : | 68 (0x44) | ||
Menu ID : | 1 (0x1) | ||
Format : | MPEG Audio | ||
Format version : | Version 1 | ||
Format profile : | Layer 3 | ||
Mode : | Joint stereo | ||
Mode extension : | MS Stereo | ||
Codec ID : | 3 | ||
Duration : | 8mn 24s | ||
Bit rate mode : | Constant | ||
Bit rate : | 192 Kbps | ||
Channel(s) : | 2 channels | ||
Sampling rate : | 48.0 KHz | ||
Compression mode : | Lossy | ||
Delay relative to video : | -186ms | ||
Stream size : | 11.5 MiB (34%) | ||
Writing library : | LAME3.99.5 |
Other things are coming, 4k (4:2:0) with source downloaded from the web... but the time to compress them on my small core2duo is terrible.
Not only, but in july 2015 VLC stopped to compress in hevc with x265 library.
No problem, I can use ffmpeg, the open source software which developed the library. But there are few problems about which I'm investigating, not only the speed.
The 1602 façade of Carlo Maderno is 114,69 wide by 45,44 meters tall (from wikipedia) so the pitch of the projection done at the jubilaeum opening night show has been 1.4 cm, one pixel every 1.4 centimeter
Consider that scanning an A4 sheet (21 by 29.7 cm) at 300 dpi (dot per inch, about 12 pixel per millimeter). That sheet landscape oriented is a 3K (3507 pixels).
Projecting the smallest "8k" screen (7680x4320) on a 4 mm pitch professional LED composable display (used in theatrical background) generate 30.72 wide by 17.28 meters tall image.
But at home, do we need of such sizes ?
The market continously requires us to buy wider and wider screens.
The following table shows the sizes in mm and the optical viewing distances of screens by diagolan inches sizes
A 100 inches screen hosting true 8k resolution of 2.21 by 1.24 meters, it means a resolution if about 36 dots per centimeter, 90 dot per inch, about 4 dots per millimeter.
Our visual acuity is about half degree: at 3.5 meter it is about few millemeters.
When in summer 2020 we went to buy a new flat screen tv (a 4k) the selling person told us this screen technology is much much poorer than the other [the nanoled tech]: it has a led every 8 pixel.
I made a quick count: about 2000 pixels on 80 cms, it means that you could notice luminosity gradient on squares of 4 mm. But if this is true for OLED where coloured light is emitted pixel per pixel (but OLED screen suffers other problems) and partially for nanoled lecnologies, the light Luminosity behind the LCD screen does not changes.
Consumism, the soul of commerce..
JVET stays for Joint Video Exploration Team, we must become familiar with this acronym as we did with hevc or simpler h265 few years ago.
JVET, is the next chapter the ITU-T SG 16 WP 3 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 team is planning to squeeze video.
These webpages from ITU website and
from Fraunhofer are maybe more detailed.
The meetings of VCEG (Video Coding Expert Group) started in october 2015, aside the Geneva Lake, when most of us just hear something of hevc.
Now, as usual, there is reference a software for the JVET group, called JEM (Joint Exploration Model) which probably let us see the stars....
The page all meetings of the JVET document management system hold by University of Sud Paris lists the documents divided by the meetings related to JVET (the rest of the site - as the draft standard - seems quite in progress): but going back of about 30 years, how many would spent a cent for mpeg?
As it is written in a paper of July 2017 but diffused in the Macau meeting :
For many applications, compression efficiency is the most important property of a future video coding standard.
A substantial improvement in compression efficiency compared to HEVC Main Profile is required for the target application(s); at no point of the entire bit rate range shall it be worse than existing standard(s).
30% bitrate reduction for the same perceptual quality is sufficient for some important use-cases and may justify a future video coding standard.
Other use-cases may require higher bit-rate reductions such as 50%.
We all must stay Tuned!
About 20 years ago, video on the web was all but diffused as today: Youtube did not exist, but more important, to stream something it was required to produce at least three files compressed in three proprietary similar but mutually uncompatible compression schemes (quicktime, windows media and real video).
In these years we passed through flash, mpeg4, dynamic streaming, h264, DASH and last h265. Recently I've worked on the catalogue of TIM vision to address the contents to the many profiles to be compressed in h265 not exactly in cloud (it could be named how we can get all the inconveniences of cloud, as you can imagine, it's a long story, not to be dealt now).
h265 confirms an asthonishing compression scheme. It is possible to compress in HD at 1 Mbps. Compression artifacts almost disappears, but after the licensing scheme related problems (see below what I wrote about one year ago), there is a main question: the match between DASH and HEVC does not convince me a lot. In HEVC disappears the I frames but in order to break the file in chops for DASH needs, we must introduce artificial (not video related) break points (say every 5 seconds) to be able to switch in sync for bandwidth adaptation.
The DASH playlist file (officially .mpd) may contains 10 references to many audio and video resolutions. It means that you may pass from a 45 GB of source MXF file to 10 GB hevc file set. The providers of compression engines and storage are happy because they sell their services or systems on the pound, but I'm asking why do not apply chromatic and spatial resolution scalability?
To understand what is hevc scalability extension, read this article SHVC, the Scalable Extensions of HEVC,
and Its Applications from ZTE corp (Shenzen, PRC) website.
Practically with scalable extensions instead of many versions of the same content encoded at different bitrate and size, are produced one basic level and some enhancements that adds informations. These enhancements may be transmitted though a DASH approach.
Since you're in, read also this article about multilayering in HEVC, from the same source.
The above picture (from Multi-Layer Extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard, same source of the former) sketches an example SHVC bitstream of spatial scalability with two layers, one base (BL) of lower resolution, and one (here, only one) enhancement layer (EL), a delta toward a higher resolution. You must consider that since in HEVC disappears the Group of Picture (GoP) concept as it was until h264 (so IBP frames do not exist anymore), any tile and/or slice in which the images sequence is decomposed has its own history and evolution. The sense is that: instead of switching between different resolution and bitrates files, the receiver get a base layer and many deltas.
It may be extremely interesting to read (and download) the HEVC licensing scheme from the HEVC advance, consider this website and take a look to the frequently updated licence section.
At the moment I do not know about real broadcasting test of HEVC, despite the marketing efforts. My biggest concern is related to the potential bandwidth of a transport stream broadcasted by air, cable or satellite.
The quality vs bitrate of hevc is really asthonishing, but its lack of GoP do not marry with conventional wave transmitting way such as transport stream or the DASH which segmentation is at the moment GoP prone (I mean: breaking in segment before an I-frame works better).
The test I'm conducting on (360p24 and 720p24 show a high sensitivity to the bandwidth characteristics: if your connection is really broadband you'll never experience any problem... otherwise...
In february 2015 the availability of open source HEVC codec (High Efficiency Video Compression, known also as h265) means it is ready to be used by all us.
To read/download the standard reach the ITU website and select the latest available version (as of writing, on may 23rd, the latest release of april 2015 was still not available). All the ITU standards are downloadable for free in pdf format. It is extremely valuable that standards are made public at no cost. For media industries the most known are h262 (mpeg2) and h264 (avc). Please consider how all the international bodies that sell the standards damage the interoperability and the progress of technology, forbidding an easy access the reference documents to the interested audience.
The more than 500 pages of the h265 standard may be too complex at first sight.
For basic informations you may read these Wikipedia articles about the h265 standard or its tiers and levels (the profiles and levels of former MPEG standards).
It is terrible, but after any technological risks HEVC might suffer, it seems that a number of lawyers are trying to assault this new train of technology before of its roll out
HEVC Advance produced in april last year a pricelist (officially Patent Pool pricing) updated in december in reaction of which initiative of april and december 2015 has been founded the Alliance for open media (a joint initiative of Amazon, Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla and Netflix) to create a new, royalty-free, open-source video compression format.
Last arrives the initiatives of MPEG LA (that literally killed MPEG4 in 2001) that later than other aggressive colleagues, define a specific new initiative).
What do they want to do? A proprietary open standard like VPn ?
Doesn't MPEG story teach anything to this people
At the moment I'm still trying to understand how HEVC is compatible with dynamic streaming (excluding a simpler profile enabling something like a GOP aligned segmentation) which would vanify a lot of compression gains. Even the naive way of streaming (what I'm using above) suffer of bandwidth fluctuation, but the quality gains from the algorithm.
Now these Lawyers-standards-killers (which performance we were already able to understand in 2001) could now kill even HEVC.
I hope not.
I remember in 1989 when the first MPEG1 standard papers comes out. A plenty of time passed by, but we must not forget it has been the first brick (even a stone: think to mp3 success!) that affected the technology of media as never before.
I was in. Maybe you could be interested to read A lot of passes have been done...
And today, being HEVC an hot subject, I've not been able to refrain me from writing down something:
embedded 360p24 HEVC embedded html page (february 2015)
It requires videolan VLC player version 2.2.0 (or greater) to be decoded. VLC is available in LGPL from videolan website.
Video embedding is not performed on smartphones for which browsers plug-ins have not been released (and probably will never done).
Smartphones - after installing VLC for android of iOS - may access to the stream http://www.iginomanfre.it/x70_hevc_300
embedded 720p24 HEVC embedded html page (february 2015)
This reproduction requires an hardware base with at least powerful as a Core2duo or a quadricore ARM on http://www.iginomanfre.it/x70_hevc_1200
Before (CPU load at 15%) and after starting the 1.2 Mbps 720p24 stream reproduction on my core2duo laptop
A couple of months after considerations (may 2015)
Further consideration of November 2015
Other things are coming, 4k (4:2:0) with source downloaded from the web... but the time to compress them on my small core2duo is terrible.
Not only, but in july 2015 VLC stopped to compress in hevc with x265 library.
No problem, I can use ffmpeg, the open source software which developed the library. But there are few problems about which I'm investigating, not only the speed.
The 1602 façade of Carlo Maderno is 114,69 wide by 45,44 meters tall (from wikipedia) so the pitch of the projection done at the jubilaeum opening night show has been 1.4 cm, one pixel every 1.4 centimeter
Consider that scanning an A4 sheet (21 by 29.7 cm) at 300 dpi (dot per inch, about 12 pixel per millimeter). That sheet landscape oriented is a 3K (3507 pixels).
Projecting the smallest "8k" screen (7680x4320) on a 4 mm pitch professional LED composable display (used in theatrical background) generate 30.72 wide by 17.28 meters tall image.
But at home, do we need of such sizes ?
The market continously requires us to buy wider and wider screens.
The following table shows the sizes in mm and the optical viewing distances of screens by diagolan inches sizes
A 100 inches screen hosting true 8k resolution of 2.21 by 1.24 meters, it means a resolution if about 36 dots per centimeter, 90 dot per inch, about 4 dots per millimeter.
Our visual acuity is about half degree: at 3.5 meter it is about few millemeters.
When in summer 2020 we went to buy a new flat screen tv (a 4k) the selling person told us this screen technology is much much poorer than the other [the nanoled tech]: it has a led every 8 pixel.
I made a quick count: about 2000 pixels on 80 cms, it means that you could notice luminosity gradient on squares of 4 mm. But if this is true for OLED where coloured light is emitted pixel per pixel (but OLED screen suffers other problems) and partially for nanoled lecnologies, the light Luminosity behind the LCD screen does not changes.
Consumism, the soul of commerce..
I remember in 1993-95, to compress in AVI with Radius Cinepack codec or the Intel Indeo 3.2 compressors from a PAL signal precropped to CIF format (352x288 pixels) , running on a 486 or one of the first pentium based PC's (the maximum available at the time), required an entire day (23 hours). After all the output quality was very poor if compared to today's codecs. The audio has been compressed in linear PCM with a sampling rate of 11025 KHz because at that time mpeg 1 layer 2 -- despite at that time it would be already available -- was correctly played only by dedicated hardware.
If you want you may download to play a small video (the "credits", the people that worked on Multimedia 2 go), 2 minutes long I've found on the original CD we made, compressed in Intel Indeo 3.2 (19.6 MB), in current h264 with mp3 audio (about 3.2 MB) and current h264 with aac audio (about 2.4 MB).
Expecially the first version, a quite big file, compressed with a very old codec, could be reproduced only by VLC (despite it should be playable by default by Windows), and in any case could be good to download it before through the right mouse click and "save as".
When I tested this page, I remained quite surprised to see that the entire 2 minute video, compressed in h264, was played immediately by mozilla firefox, not - as I though - through VLC after it had been choosed as default opener of mp4 files. Evidently the browser itself in a way similar to what required by HTML5 compliancy, can decode those file (they are not stream, but file seen in progressive download).
It is all but a curious note. Html5 compliancy is a big problem, as it has been interpreted by Google Chrome: the management of video compressions cannot be performedthrough external plug-ins, but must be performed by the browser itself.
Mobile phones' browsers do not use plug-ins while workstations ones allow them.
But the new releases of Chrome don't accept VLC plug-in as dangerous for navigation safety.
Comparisons between the three version of the same video (mediainfo)
General | |||
Filename |
H:\video\Multimedia 2 Go people (19950222).avi (not downloadable because seen unsafe by many browsers) | H:\video\Multimedia 2 Go people (19950222)_a.mp4 | H:\video\Multimedia 2 Go people (19950222)_d.mp4 |
Format | AVI, Audio Video Interleave, rec | MPEG-4, Base Media, isom | MPEG-4, Base Media, isom |
File size | 19.1 MiB | 3.16 MiB | 2.38 MiB |
Duration | 2mn 7s | 2mn 7s | 2mn 7s |
Overall bit rate | 1 257 Kbps | 208 Kbps | 157 Kbps |
Video | |||
ID | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Format, Codec, Version/Profile/Level | Indeo 3, IV32, Intel Indeo Video 3.2 | AVC, Advanced Video Coding, High@L1.3 | AVC, Advanced Video Coding, High@L1.3 |
Details | CABAC, Reframes=4 | CABAC, Reframes=4 | |
Width, Display Aspect Ratio, Frame Rate | 320x240, 4:3, 25 fps | 320x240, 4:3, 25 fps | 320x240, 4:3, 25 fps |
Frame Rate | 25 fps | variable: mean 24.247 fps, min 6.250 fps, max 25.000 fps | variable: mean 24.247 fps, min 6.250 fps, max 25.000 fps |
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) | 0.573 | 0.081 | 0.054 |
Color space, Chroma subsampling, Bit Depth, Scan | Y'UV, 4:2:0, Progressive | YUV, 4:2:0, 8bit, Progressive | YUV, 4:2:0, 8bit, Progressive |
Stream size | 16.8 MiB (88%) | 2.22 MiB (70%) | 1.48 MiB (62%) |
Writing Library | x264 core 146 r2538 121396c | x264 core 146 r2538 121396c | |
Details | cabac=1, ref=3, deblock=1:0:0, analyse=0x3:0x133, me=hex, subme=7, psy=1, psy_rd=1.00:0.00, mixed_ref=1, me_range=16, chroma_me=1, trellis=1, 8x8dct=1, cqm=0, deadzone=21,11, fast_pskip=1, chroma_qp_offset=-2, threads=3, lookahead_threads=1, sliced_threads=0, nr=0, decimate=1, interlaced=0, bluray_compat=0, constrained_intra=0, bframes=3, b_pyramid=2, b_adapt=1, b_bias=0, direct=1, weightb=1, open_gop=0, weightp=2, keyint=250, keyint_min=25, scenecut=40, intra_refresh=0, rc_lookahead=40, rc=2pass, mbtree=1, bitrate=150, ratetol=1.0, qcomp=0.60, qpmin=10, qpmax=51, qpstep=4, cplxblur=20.0, qblur=0.5, ip_ratio=1.40, aq=1:1.00 | ||
Audio | |||
ID | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Format, Endianness, Sign, Codec ID | PCM, Little, Unsigned, 1 | MPEG Audio, Version 1, Layer 3, 6B | AAC (lav), Advanced Audio Codec LC, 40 |
Bitrate | 88.2 Kbps | 56.0 Kbps | 50.8 Kbps (max 56 Kbps) |
Bitrate mode, Sampling rate, channels | Constant, 11.025 KHz, 1 channel | Constant, 48.0 KHz, 2 channels | Constant, 48.0 KHz, 2 channels |
Alignement, interleave duration | Aligned on interleaves, 40 ms (1.00 video frame) | ||
Stream Size | 1.34 MiB (7%) | 872 KiB (27%) | 791 KiB (32%) |
Un solo modo di streammareOggi e' praticamente impossibile inserire un video in una webpage html se il video non e' codificato in un formato direttamente supportato dal browser perche' i piu' usati tra questi non supportano piu' plug-in video esterni. Fin dagli albori dell'html5 lo scopo principale dell'W3C e'stato quello di ripulire il codice html. Tra le molte istruzioni deprecate in html5 ci sono gli oggetti correlati alla architettura NPAPI derivata da Netscape. A causa della fine del supporto dei plug-in NPAPI da parte di Firefox, Chrome e Opera, utilizzando questi browser le pagine web che incorporano video che ho scritto finora non lo includeranno in corso testo. Al momento in ho scritto inizialmente queste righe (4 maggio 2017) l'unico modo di continuare a vedere le mie pagine con il video in corso testo e' usare Apple Safari (nell'ultima versione per Windows, ma ora non piu' supportata da Apple) perche' nel frattempo anche Microsoft Internet Explorer non lo supporta piu'. Midori e' un possibile browser alternatico, ma non sembra una cosa realmente proponibile. Una discussione completa relativa a Firefox puo' essere trovata in questa pagina ufficiale di mozilla firefox. |
Only one way of StreamingToday it is practically impossible to embed video in webpage if video is not encoded in formats directly supported by the browser because the most used ones does not support any more plug-ins Since the beginning of html5 the main goal of W3C has been to clean the html. Due to the end of support of NPAPI plug-ins by Firefox, Chrome and Opera, using these browsers the webpages that embed video I wrote up to now will not show any more embedded video within text. Since I wrote initially this page (may 4th 2017) the only way to continue to see the webpages embedding video with plug-ins is Apple Safari (in its last windows available version but no more supported by Apple) because in the meantime Microsoft Internet Explorer also do not support it. Midori is a possible alternative browser, but it does not seem a real alternative. A complete discussion about firefox can be found in this official mozilla firefox page. |
I browser con il tag video non riproducono l'hevc ma solo l'h264 o il webm. Di seguito, usando un iframe provo ad invocare un player esterno per riprodurre un hls contentente elementary stream hevc: |
With video tag the browsers are unable to reproduce hevc but only h264 and webm. In the next I try using an iframe to call an external player to reproduce an hls containing hevc elementary stream: |
Now the automatic start is commented, it does not bory your browsing any more Ora ho commentato la partenza automatica dell'iframe, non ti infastidira' piu' |
Per ulteriori informazioni dai una occhiata a questo file: e' relativo all'hls di un wrapper mpeg4 con elementary stream h264, ma e' la stessa cosa Se qualcosa va storto, prima di mandarmi a quel paese, prova ad aprire direttamente http://iginomanfre.it/hls7/hls7.m3u8 con vlc (versione 2.2.6 o successiva): apri flusso... |
For further informations take a look to this file: it is related to the hel of a mpeg4 wrapper containing h264 elementary stream, but it is the same thing. If something goes bad, before damning me, please try to recall directly http://iginomanfre.it/hls7/hls7.m3u8 with vlc (version 2.2.6 or later): open stream... |
Maybe can be interesting to browse this article where may be compared the two ways of streaming |
In realta' non c'e' nessuno che proibisce nulla a nessunaltro: puoi stream-are come vuoi ma il progetto della tua pagina deve accordarsi con le possibilita' rese disponibili dai browser. Quindi - se tu vuoi usare uno dei piu' usati (oserei dire standard) - devi pensare la pagina come loro ti permettono. |
Really no-one forbids anything to anyother: you can stream as you want but your page design must match with the possibilities made available by the browsers, then - if you want use one of the most used standard browser - you must conceive the page as they let you. |
La nuova release 52.0 di FireFox non supporta piu' plug-ins (a parte Flash, Silverlight, Java, Acrobat) (VLC Q&A). |
The new Release 52.0 of FireFox is dropping support for plug-ins (except for Flash. Silverlight, Java, Acrobat) (VLC Q&A). |
This is the most diffused way to stream all around the world: Youtube like (vimeo or other are similar) The next video comes from Youtube, Google empire. It is embedded through the following call The following two videos are the same in terms of content but a completely different story. |
This comes from youtube servers through the following call: Really behind this address Youtube streams this video in 7 times for formats and codecs: |
This one from this server through the html following video markup But this one is one only file stored in that directory that apache streams on request. |
Google make this video available in many formats and bitrate |
While this one comes from this server in one only resolution and bitrate in progressive download |
At left a html5 video instruction that realize a practical old progressive download video embedded video. Video is downloaded locally before and while playing. This video is on the server, is mute is 19 minutes long and it is highly compressed in h264 (29 MB 480x270). Crosshairing the pointer two timelines are showns: the blue one is the current playing position while in gray is hown the latest downloaded point A sinistra l'applicazione della istruzione video dell'html5 che realizza il vecchio progressive download embedded video. Il video e' scaricato localmente prima e mentre viene riprodotto. Questo video e' sul server, e' muto, dura 19 minuti, e fortemente compresso in h264 (29 MB 480x270). Attraversando il video col mouse vengono mostrate due timeline: in blu la posizione corrente, in grigio l'ultimo frame scaricato. |
Come dicevo all'inizio, in realta' nessuno impedisce nulla a nessun altro: tu puoi stream-mare come vuoi, ma la tua pagina deve accordarsi con quanto reso disponibile dai browser, quindi - se vuoi usare quelli piu' usati e standard - devi concepirla come ti e' permesso. Infatti da questo sito io sto continuando a stream-mare in mpeg2, h264 e anche h265 wrapp-ati principalmente in Transport Stream o in HLS (vedi questa lista), e questi stream possono essere visionati con un player (come media player o videolan, eventualmente ricompilati in forma di app appositamente realizzata) ma non puoi inserirli in un browser perche' questi non ammettono piu' plug-in video (salvo quelli commerciali). Infine puoi utilizzare una versione obsoleta di un browser open source che supporti ancora il plug-in video di VLC. In questa pagina utilizzo iframe per richiamare una applicazione esterna (io ho associato vlc) per aprire un video. iframe e' abbastanza pericolosa perche' puo' richiamare qualsiasi cosa, compresi malware o virus. Ma per quanto ne so - escluso il progressive download e dopo la eliminazione dei plug-in video - e' l'unico modo di richiamare un video all'interno di una pagina. |
As I said at the beginning, really no-one forbids anything to anyother: you can stream as you want but your page design must match with the possibilities made available by the browsers, then - if you want use one of the most used standard browser - you must conceive the page as they let you. In fact from this site I'm continuing to stream mpeg2, h264 and even h265 wrapped mainly in transport stream or in HLS (see this list), and these stream can be loaded with a stream viewer (such as media player or videolan) or a stand alone app but you cannot see these video within a browser because no plug-in (excluding commercial ones) are any more supported for this purpose. Last you can use an obsolete version of an open source browser at the time it still support VLC video plug.in In this page I use iframe to recall an external app (I choose vlc) to open the video. iframe is quite dangerous because can recall everything, including malware or virus. But for my knowledge - excluding progressive download and after video plug-in execution - is the only way to recall a video within a page . |